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Blog Post Locoworking - Origins of coworking

The origins of coworking

The real boom of shared offices erupted in the 21st century, with the digital world. But we can find the origins of the coworking space in the 90’s, and even way before in the 15th century.  Coworking spaces offer a place for members to share, cooperate and help each other. This is a real resource…

Benefits of coworking space

Benefits of coworking space

Over the past few years, coworking space became more popular in the world. You don’t have to choose anymore between working at home or in a company office.  Shared offices offers many benefits, that will convince a lot of people to change for a digital-nomad or a remote-worker life. Productivity At first, when you start…

FAQ about the coworking space

You may have some questions to ask us, so here are the most frequent questions and answers about our coworking space adn coloving. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us. What is included in the membership ?  All our options include access to the bright and air-conditioned space with a comfortable…

reasons to cowork in Costa Rica

4 reasons to cowork in Costa Rica

Let’s face it, when you choose a country to work in it’s not only a matter of high-speed internet. We also want the perfect work-life balance and take full advantage of the country we opt for. Here are 4 reasons to cowork in Costa Rica.   Landscape and wildlife diversity Costa Rica is a small…

Achieving a better work-life balance, discovering another culture and experiencing a different way of life.

Why creating LoCoworking became an evidence

Achieving a better work-life balance, discovering another culture and experiencing a different way of life.That’s what brought us to Samara, an authentic pacific beach town, in April 2018. Before moving here, Léa, my friend since university, was living in San José, the capital of Costa Rica. She was, and she is still, correspondent for several…

You are tired of working alone, of the heat making you unproductive, of the slow internet connection, of the sand in your keyboard, of the distraction from the beach bar ? Locoworking, the first coworking and community space in Samara, Costa Rica

LoCoworking, more than a work spot

You are tired of working alone, of the heat making you unproductive, of the slow internet connection, of the sand in your keyboard, of the distraction from the beach bar? Locoworking offers you more than a work spot.   Locoworking, the first coworking and community space in Samara Locoworking, the first coworking and community space…