Blog Post Locoworking - Origins of coworking

The origins of coworking

The real boom of shared offices erupted in the 21st century, with the digital world. But we can find the origins of the coworking space in the 90’s, and even way before in the 15th century.  Coworking spaces offer a place for members to share, cooperate and help each other. This is a real resource…

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Benefits of coworking space

Benefits of coworking space

Over the past few years, coworking space became more popular in the world. You don’t have to choose anymore between working at home or in a company office.  Shared offices offers many benefits, that will convince a lot of people to change for a digital-nomad or a remote-worker life. Productivity At first, when you start…

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visa costa rica

All you need to know about Costa Rica visa policy

You are planning to travel the green country of Latin America and the big question is : Do you need a visa to go to Costa Rica ? Like everywhere else, this will depend on your nationality, purpose of visit, country of residence and length of your stay. So whether you are an European, Indian,…

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Nomad Digital Visa, a full year in Costa Rica

What is it? A digital nomad visa is a visa that allows remote workers to live and work in a foreign country.  Digital nomad status is granted to remote workers or service providers. They must prove that they provide remunerated services remotely, using computer and/or telecommunication or analog tools for another person or company outside…

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FAQ about the coworking space

You may have some questions to ask us, so here are the most frequent questions and answers about our coworking space adn coloving. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us. What is included in the membership ?  All our options include access to the bright and air-conditioned space with a comfortable…

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Independence of Costa Rica, September 15th

September 15th, 1821 marks an important date in Costa Rican history, as the country becomes independent from Spain, along with Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.  “El dia de la Indepencia” is celebrated in all 5 countries as a public holiday. Administrations, banks, schools and many stores are closed on this holiday. To mark the occasion,…

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Slow Travel

Slow traveling being a digital nomad, that’s a good combo if you want to visit a country in ecotourism, discover its culture and its gastronomy, connect with the locals while still working and earning money. In Costa Rica, traveling slowly is a must. You can admire nature. There are animals everywhere, the vegetation is exuberant.…

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Sàmara is the ideal destination for digital nomads.

From April 1st 2022, the temporary immigration measures to enter Costa Rica – put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic – are repealed. Sàmara is the ideal destination for digital nomads because of its high internet connectivity at loCoworking combined with a warm climate and outdoor adventures like surfing and hiking.Located along the southern…

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From volcanoes to beaches, our travel guide to Costa Rica

This small Central American state surrounded by two oceans is home to 6% of the world’s biodiversity. A slower lifestyle and unspoiled nature, where you can be lulled to the rhythm of the “Pura Vida”. The surf of the Caribbean and Pacific waves, the clamor of howler monkeys, the silent lethargy of lazy people, the…

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